The new sports - Plagiarism

Posted by Dirk Nachbar on Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Some time ago I saw in Tim Hall's Blog a post that his complete site has been stolen (My whole website stolen again…) and republished under another name.

Now it also hits me, not the whole site was copied, at the moment only one complete article of me (Oracle Internet Directory Light for tnsnames Resolution - Dirk ...)

Seems that Plagiarism is the new sport :-)

The article were re-published under the site BLOG.ABIGOLD.FR with a One-To-One copy, even all names which contains the domain name of my previous employeer and every screenshot, in which you can clearly see the domain name of my previous employeer and I am quite sure the publisher of my stolen content was never employed at this company :-)
My 2 cents for such a stupid copy action is ;-)

(Note: If you like this shirt, go to )

Only after I contacted the service provide of this domain, they change the author name to my name.
Seems that some people want to adorn themself with borrowed plums